Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First blog post...the beginning of a new era

OK, so, I'm only about what, maybe 10 years late to the blogging scene? What can I say? I've been busy.

I have a Twitter account (which I rarely look at), and a Facebook account (which I use for keeping up with friends and family). I'm in the tech industry, and generally the "resident computer expert" for a handful of those friends and family members. But, I don't really want to clutter up my Facebook page with a bunch of nerdy, tech chatter. So, I have decided to use a blog as my forum for talking about my nerdy, tech life.

I'm sure that most of this is nothing new, but it's a place for me to talk about what I'm doing in the tech world, mostly at a personal level. And anyone who is interested can follow. What computer am I building, what is the latest gadget I have purchased, what device am I hacking apart as of late. You get the picture.

Maybe some of you will find value in this. Maybe not. Either way, I'll be talking about it all here.

Thanks, and enjoy!

-- Brian

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